Thought of the Day

Each day I scan twitter to find positive tweets tweeted by the people I follow. I general read every one of them and try to find a way that they reflect me, my family or my current situation. It’s not that I need the motivation or lacking self-worth, well sometimes I do, but more of just a checkup from the neck up for me. It also allows me to pass those readings on to my son and daughter and others that I come in contact with. I know that reading and applying them makes me feel good and does give me extra motivation and if I can pass that on to others and only one person gets anything out of it, then I feel what I am doing is a good thing. People can go through incredibly harsh situations in life and others around them have no clue what they are going through.  A little inspiration/motivation to someone from someone else, can go along way. #foodforthought

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Dr. Wayne Dyer

Chris North