
Today I had a conversation with a couple young girls about haters and why they hate you or why they hate what you have. Haters hate you because they don’t have what you want. It’s not that they can’t have what you have but they don’t want to work for it. They just want it handed to them. In my eyes all a hater sees is your success. What they fail to see is what it took you to become successful. They don’t see the hundreds of time you have failed x 100. They don’t see the extra hours of work you put in when no ones looking. They don’t see the nights you may have cried yourself to sleep because you failed so many times and don’t believe you will ever make it. They don’t see you pick yourself up after failing and fail again. They don’t see all the times you turn down your friends to go do stuff so that you can work on your craft. What they see is your success and they want that. But until they put in the work that you have and failed over and over and over again they will just always be haters. Embrace the haters because haters make you want to be more successful. They are fuel for your fire. Haters are always going to hate. Let them spend time hating while you are spending time getting better. But don’t stop putting in the work after you have become successful because those that do fall even harder. You are going to fail multiple times in your life. It is a learning lesson and is a must to make you better. So keep your head up, keep putting in the work, keep getting stronger and keep failing no matter who hates. And remember, “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard!”

Stay positive my friends.


-Chris North

Thought of the Day

Each day I scan twitter to find positive tweets tweeted by the people I follow. I general read every one of them and try to find a way that they reflect me, my family or my current situation. It’s not that I need the motivation or lacking self-worth, well sometimes I do, but more of just a checkup from the neck up for me. It also allows me to pass those readings on to my son and daughter and others that I come in contact with. I know that reading and applying them makes me feel good and does give me extra motivation and if I can pass that on to others and only one person gets anything out of it, then I feel what I am doing is a good thing. People can go through incredibly harsh situations in life and others around them have no clue what they are going through.  A little inspiration/motivation to someone from someone else, can go along way. #foodforthought

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Dr. Wayne Dyer

Chris North